Maison Chavin Mentioned in Elle: A Milestone for Dry January
In its article titled “Dry January: Here’s How Many French People Are Ready to Take on the Zero-Alcohol Challenge”, Elle highlights a notable shift in French consumption habits. According to a study conducted by CSA for Maison Chavin, 12% of French...
“Occitanie in Your Glass: From Authenticity to New Trends” – Actu.fr
In its article titled “Occitanie in Your Glass: From Authenticity to New Trends”, Actu.fr highlights the richness and innovation of beverages produced in Occitanie. Among these regional gems, Maison Chavin stands out as a major player in the alcohol-free...
“The Alcohol-Free Boom in Biterrois” – Midi Libre
In its article titled “The Alcohol-Free Boom in Biterrois”, Midi Libre explores the rise of no-low alternatives in the region, spotlighting local players like Maison Chavin. Since 2010, Maison Chavin has established itself as a pioneer in the sector,...