FERRANDI PARIS x Chavin: An Inspiring Exchange with the Future Generation of Leaders!
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Chavin - FERRANDI PARIS x Chavin: An Inspiring Exchange with the Future Generation of Leaders!
06 Sep.2024
Chavin - FERRANDI PARIS x Chavin: An Inspiring Exchange with the Future Generation of Leaders!

Yesterday, Mathilde Boulachin, founder and CEO of Maison Chavin, had the honor of speaking at the welcome seminar for Bachelor students at FERRANDI Paris. This exceptional event, which brought together over 400 students from the Paris, Nantes, and Bordeaux campuses, took place in the enchanting setting of the Futuroscope.

Mathilde Boulachin passionately shared Chavin’s innovative vision, highlighting the entrepreneurial spirit, boldness, and differentiation that define the Maison’s strength. She also encouraged these young talents to pursue their ambitions with determination, while staying true to their values. This enriching exchange fostered strong connections with the next generation of leaders in gastronomy and management.

The day continued in a convivial atmosphere, and during the evening reception following the plenary session, the Hôtel Plaza at Futuroscope proudly served Chavin’s non-alcoholic wines from the Chavin Zéro Vin De France dealcoholized range. It was a perfect opportunity to introduce these future professionals to a responsible and high-quality alternative, perfectly aligned with Chavin’s spirit of innovation.

We extend our warmest thanks to FERRANDI Paris for their hospitality and to all the students for their energy, curiosity, and enthusiasm!

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